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janvier 2019

Geografie Kilikiens. Kontinuität und Diskontinuität in einer Siedlungskammer zwischen Orient und Okzident von der Bronzezeit bis zum Mittelalter

12 janvier 2019 @ 09:30 - 12:00
Université de Berne,
Mittelstrasse 43
Berne, 3012
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Présentations Marie Claude Trémouille Kizzuwatna au tournant du XIIIième siècle Andreas Fuchs (Tübingen) Que, die Assyrer und die Historische Geographie Mustafa H. Sayar (Istanbul) Die Historische Geographie der Landschaft um den Golf von İssos (3. Jh. v. Chr. bis 3. Jh. n. Chr.) Samvel Grigoryan…

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mars 2019

In Search of the Neo-Hittites

31 mars 2019 @ 16:00 - 3 avril 2019 @ 14:00
Monte Verità,
Ascona, 6612 Suisse
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The workshop will consider the material culture and linguistic situation of “Neo-Hittite” and neighbouring states – with a dominant Luwian or Aramaean identity – with a clear focus on the exchange across different scholarly disciplines. To be questioned are ways and dynamics that determine local…

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avril 2019

Von Elephantine bis Ugarit

12 avril 2019 @ 14:00 - 13 avril 2019 @ 15:00
Université de Bâle,
Nadelberg 10
Bâle, 4051 Suisse
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Symposium pour Prof. Dr. Hanna Jenni Programme

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mai 2019

The Historical Location of “P” – Language, Geography and Material Culture

10 mai 2019 - 11 mai 2019
Bâtiment Amphipôle 315,
Genf, 1015 Suisse
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Die Levante. Ein Kulturraum oder mehrere?

25 mai 2019
juin 2019

4. Berner Altorientalistik-Forum (BAF)

11 juin 2019 - 12 juin 2019
Haus der Universität,
Schlösslistrasse 5
3012 Bern, Switzerland
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Page web BAF Programme

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juillet 2019

51. Ständige Ägyptologen-Konferenz (SÄK). Ägyptologie und Methodik: Potenzial und Prioritäten

5 juillet 2019 - 7 juillet 2019
Kollegienhaus Universität Basel,
Petersplatz 1
Basel, 4051 Suisse
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Les fouilles à Tell Jokha (Umma): Découvertes archéologiques et philologiques

6 juillet 2019
Université de Genève,
Rue Jean-Daniel-Colladon 2
Genève, 1204 Suisse
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janvier 2020

Neo-Paleography: Analysing Ancient Handwritings in the Digital Age

27 janvier 2020 @ 14:00 - 29 janvier 2020 @ 17:00
University of Basel, Kollegienhaus, Room 111,
Petersplatz 1
4001 Basel,
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As part of D-scribes project, the International Conference Neo-Paleography: Analysing Ancient Handwritings in the Digital Age will be held in Basel between January 27 and 29, 2020. This conference will gather specialists of Egyptian, Hebrew, Greek, Latin and Coptic Manuscripts and combine traditional paleographic analyses…

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mars 2020

REPORTÉ: Was Wisdom Transformed to Torah in Second Temple Judaism? The Reception of Torah in and beyond Israelite and Jewish Wisdom Literature

20 mars 2020 - 21 mars 2020
Université de Lausanne,
Anthropole Building 3174
Lausanne, Suisse
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Postponed until further notice... This conference focuses on how one should understand the relation between Wisdom and Torah in Jewish Writings from the Second Temple Period. Anthropole Building 3174 Université de Lausanne (UNIL) Faculté de théologie et de sciences des religions (FTSR) Contact : JiSeong…

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