OBO 260 – Stefan Zawadzki / Garments of the Gods. Vol. 2: Texts
An integral part of Garments of the Gods (OBO 218, 2006), this volume offers the transliteration, translation and selected copies of over 600 administrative documents on the textile industry in the Ebabbar temple at Neo-Babylonian Sippar. The documents are mostly divided in accordance with the former discussion presented in OBO 218. The aim of the new publication is to enlarge the data base for future studies and to create the possibility of checking and discussing the observations made in the first volume. Indices provide the names of garments and fabrics, and the paleography will allow the reader easy comparison when identifying new texts in the future.
Stefan Zawadzki (b. 1946), since 1991 professor of history at the Institute of History of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. His interests concentrate on the political and economic history of the Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian Empires (first millennium B.C.E.). He is the author of the following books: The Fall of Assyria and Median-Babylonian Relations in the Light of the Nabopolassar Chronicle (Poznań – Delft, 1988); Neo-Babylonian Documents from Sippar Pertaining to the Cult (Poznań, 2013);and (in Polish): Podstawy Gospodarcze Nowoasyryjskich Świątyń [The Economic Foundations of the Neo-Assyrian Temples] (Poznań, 1981); Ze Studiów nad Chronologią Babilonii (koniec VII-początek V wieku przed Chr.) (Poznań, 1996) [Studies in Babylonian Chronology from the End of the Seventh Century to the Beginning of the Fifth Century B.C.]; Mane, Tekel, Fares. Źródła do Dziejów Babilonii Chaldejskiej [Mane, Tekel, Fares. Sources for the History of Chaldean Babylonia] (Poznań, 1996); co-editor with J. Zabłocka: ŠULMU IV. Everyday Life in the Ancient Near East. Papers presented at the International Conference Poznań, 19-22 September 1989 (Poznań, 1993); as well as over 120 articles, notes, and reviews. The first volume of Garments of the Gods was published as OBO 218 (2006).
2013, pages XIV-743,
ISBN 978-3-7278-1742-7
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Peeters Publishers
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