Prochains Événements SGOA F | Intertextuality in the Divinatory Series of the Ancient Near East
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Intertextuality in the Divinatory Series of the Ancient Near East

3 juillet 2021 @ 09:30 - 15:30

Intertextuality in the Divinatory Series of the Ancient Near East

July 3, 2021 – Online conference of the University of Geneva

Register in advance for this meeting:–hpjojH9Rmd9CFMoLsMzlhWRVB_ut4

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9.30h Catherine Mittermayer


9.40h Jeanette Fincke

On Falling Stars, Meteors and Bolides in the Omen Series enūma anu enlil 10.25h Saki Kikuchi

Calendrical Structure in Divinatory Texts

11.10h Short break

11.15h Eric Schmidtchen

Intertextual Relations between Alamdimmû and Šumma ālu, and Where to Find Them

12.00h Lunch break

13.30h Elyze Zomer

The Series Zaqiqu. Stucture, Position, and Tradition

14.15h Kaira Boddy, Fabienne Huber Vulliet, Catherine Mittermayer

Reconstructing Šumma ālu: New Evidence for the Final Part of the Series 15.00h Final discussion

15.30h (End of the conference)


Date :
3 juillet 2021
Heure :
09:30 - 15:30


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