Link program 9.00 Ankunft, Kaffee 9.30 Philippe Collombert, Université de Genève Découvertes récentes de la mission archéologique franco-suisse de Saqqara 10.30 Pause 10.45 Andrea Loprieno-Gnirs, Universität Basel / Martin Ziegler, Rachael Colldeweih, ETH Das archäologische Projekt Life Histories of Theban Tombs: - Zur physischen Biographie…
Find out more »Download program Program & Organisation Dr. Nesina Grütter & Prof. Dr. Hanna Jenni Registration Please until Monday, 13. Februar 2017, to:
Find out more »Archaeologists, Philologists, Archaeometrists and Art Historians of the Ancient Near East broadly defined (Mesopotamia, Anatolia, Levant, Egypt, Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Central Asia, Aegean) are cordially invited to take part in the second: Berner Altorientalisches Forum (BAF) When: 28 – 29 June 2017 Where: Bern, Switzerland…
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Find out more »This conference marks the anniversary of the discovery of the tomb of Seti Ist in October 1817, and with it the start of the intense and multifaceted engagement with the Valley of the Kings. The history of this exploration and of finds made, the state…
Find out more »The iconographic repertoire of the Southern Levant between the end of the 5th and the beginning of the 3rd century BCE is characterized by changing pictoral traditions resulting from the adoption and adaptation of Persian and Greek cultural traits. These processes of influence and interference…
Find out more »International Conference 17-22 June 2018, Conference Center Monte Verità Content Ancient Anatolia held a unique role as a bridge between Ancient Near Eastern and Classical Tradition and is therefore singularly well-suited to interdisciplinary approaches. Even so, accounts of her cultures, languages, history and archaeology in…
Find out more »Eine systematisch entfaltete Bundestheologie sucht man bei Hosea vergebens. Die von der späteren deuteronomisch-deuteronomistischen Theologie betriebene Reflexion über das Bundesverhältnis Israels mit seinem Gott kennt jedoch eine reiche und verzweigte Vorgeschichte, die die Rechtsgeschichte des Alten Orients mit einschließt. Diese ihrerseits gehört in den konzeptionellen…
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